Health Screening Package

58 Tests | Rs 299 | Blood & Urine Test | 8 - 10 Hours Fasting Needed
Powered By Redcliffelab
Blood Urea Bun BUN/Creatinine Ratio Cholesterol, CBC Creatinine BSF SGOT / AST SGOT/SGPT Ratio SGPT / ALT Urine
  1. Blood Urea (1)
    1. Urea
  2. Blood Urea Nitrogen (Bun) (1)
    1. BUN
  3. BUN/Creatinine Ratio (1)
    1. BUN/Creatinine Ratio
  4. Cholesterol, Serum (1)
    1. Cholesterol-Total, Serum
  5. Complete Blood Count (CBC) (26)
    1. Absolute Basophils Count, Blood
    2. Absolute Eosinophil Count, Blood
    3. Absolute Lymphocyte Count, Blood
    4. Absolute Monocyte Count, Blood
    5. Absolute Neutrophil Count, Blood
    6. Basophils
    7. Eosinophils
    8. Hemoglobin Hb
    9. Lymphocytes
    10. MCH
    11. MCHC
    12. MCV
    14. Monocytes
    15. MPV Mean Platelet Volume
    16. Neutrophils
    17. PCT
    18. PCV Haematocrit
    19. PDW Platelet Distribution Width
    20. Platelet Count Thrombocyte count
    21. P – LCC
    22. P – LCR
    23. RBC Count
    24. RDW-CV
    25. RDW (Red Cell Distribution Width)
    26. WBC-Total Counts Leucocytes
  6. Creatinine (1)
    1. Creatinine
  7. Glucose Fasting (BSF) (1)
    1. Blood Glucose Fasting
  8. SGOT / AST (1)
    1. SGOT/AST
  9. SGOT/SGPT Ratio (1)
    1. SGOT/SGPT Ratio
  10. SGPT / ALT (1)
    1. SGPT/ALT
  11. Urine Routine & Microscopic Examination (23)
    1. Albumin
    2. Amorphous Deposits
    3. Bacteria
    4. Bilirubin
    5. Blood
    6. Cast
    7. Colour
    8. Crystals
    9. Deposit
    10. Epithelial cells
    11. Leucocyte Esterase
    12. Nitrate
    13. pH Urine
    14. Protozoa
    15. Pus cells (Leukocytes)
    16. Red blood cells
    17. Specific gravity
    18. Sugar
    19. Transparency
    20. Urine ketones
    21. Urobilinogen
    22. Volume
    23. Yeast Cells

The Health Screening Package offered by Redcliffelab is a comprehensive package that includes 58 tests to assess various health parameters related to blood and urine. The package requires 8 – 10 hours of fasting before the blood tests.

Purpose: The Health Screening Package is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of various health parameters related to kidney function, blood glucose levels, liver health, cholesterol levels, and general blood and urine analysis.

Powered By Redcliffelab: Redcliffelab is a reputable diagnostic center known for its accurate and reliable testing services, ensuring high-quality results.

Fasting Requirement: The package requires fasting for 8 – 10 hours before the blood tests to obtain accurate results, especially for glucose and lipid (cholesterol) tests.

How to Avail the Test: Individuals interested in availing the Health Screening Package can directly contact Redcliffelab to schedule the tests. It is advisable to consult a healthcare professional to interpret the test results and receive appropriate advice based on the findings.