Thyrocare Aarogyam XL

Thyrocare Aarogyam XL

149 Tests | Regular Price Rs 8749 | Couple Offer Rs 6199 | Offer Price Rs 6299 | The Thyrocare Aarogyam XL profile includes a range of tests: Arthritis [2], cardiac risk markers [7], complete hemogram [28], diabetes [7], electrolytes [2], elements [2], hematology [1], iron deficiency [5], lipid [10], liver [13], metabolic [1], pancreatic [2], renal [10], steroid [10], thyroid [3], toxic elements [22], urinogram [10], vitamin [14]

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Thyrocare Aarogyam X

Thyrocare Aarogyam X

139 Tests | Regular Price Rs 7249 | Couple Offer Rs 4999 | Offer Price Rs 5099 | The Thyrocare Aarogyam X profile includes a range of tests: Arthritis [2], cardiac risk markers [7], complete hemogram [28], diabetes [7], electrolytes [2], elements [2], hormone [1], iron deficiency [5], lipid [10], liver [13], metabolic [1], pancreatic [2], renal [10], thyroid [3], toxic elements [22], urinogram [10], vitamins [14]

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Thyrocare Aarogyam F

Thyrocare Aarogyam F

114 Tests | Regular Price Rs 6199 | Couple Offer Rs 4299 | Offer Price Rs 4299 | The Thyrocare Aarogyam F profile includes a range of tests: arthritis (2), cardiac risk markers (7), complete hemogram (28), diabetes (5), electrolytes (2), elements (2), hormone (1), iron deficiency (5), lipid (10), liver (13), metabolic (1), pancreatic (2), renal (8), thyroid (3), toxic elements (22), vitamin (1), and vitamins (2).

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Thyrocare Aarogyam E

Thyrocare Aarogyam E

90 Tests | Regular Price Rs 5149 | Couple Offer Rs 3599 | Offer Price Rs 3699 | The Thyrocare Aarogyam E profile includes a range of tests: Arthritis (2), cardiac risk markers (6), complete hemogram (28), diabetes (4), elements (2), electrolytes (2), hormone (1), iron deficiency (5), lipid (10), liver (13), metabolic (1), pancreatic (2), renal (8), thyroid (3), vitamin (1), vitamins (2).

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Thyrocare Aarogyam D

Thyrocare Aarogyam D

86 Tests | Regular Price Rs 4099 | Couple Offer Rs 2999 | Offer Price Rs 3099 | The Thyrocare Aarogyam D profile includes a range of tests: Cardiac risk markers [6], complete hemogram [28], diabetes [4], electrolytes [2], elements [2], hormone [1], iron deficiency [5], lipid [10], liver [12], metabolic [1], pancreatic [2], renal [7], thyroid [3], vitamins [3]

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Thyrocare Aarogyam C

Thyrocare Aarogyam C

🧪 Thyrocare Aarogyam C - 74 Tests | Regular Price: ₹2199 | Limited-Time Offer: ₹1399! ⏳🔥 | Includes Cardiac (5) ❤️, Hemogram (28) 🩸, Diabetes (2) 🍬, Hormone (1) 🧠, Iron (4) 💪, Lipid (10) 🫀, Liver (12) 🍹, Renal (7) 🚰, Thyroid (3) 🦋, Vitamins (2) 🌞 | Book Now & Save ₹800! 💰✅

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Thyrocare Aarogyam Basic 2

Thyrocare Aarogyam Basic 2

80 Tests | Regular Price Rs 1399 | Couple Offer Rs 849 Per Person | Offer Price Rs 899 | The Thyrocare Aarogyam Basic 2 profile includes a range of tests: Complete hemogram [28], complete urine analysis [4], diabetes [2], iron deficiency [4], lipid [10], liver [12], renal [7], thyroid [3], urinogram [10].

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Thyrocare aarogyam Basic 1

Thyrocare Aarogyam Basic 1

74 Tests | Regular Price Rs 999 | Couple Offer Rs 777 Per Person | Offer Price Rs 799 | The Thyrocare Aarogyam Basic 1 profile includes a range of tests: Complete hemogram (28), complete urine analysis (4), diabetes (2), lipid (10), liver (12), renal (7), thyroid (1), urinogram (10)

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Thyrocare Aarogyam B

Thyrocare Aarogyam B

71 Tests | Regular Price Rs 1899 | Couple Offer Rs 1199 Per Person | Offer Price Rs 1299 | The Thyrocare Aarogyam B profile includes a range of tests: Cardiac risk markers [5], complete hemogram [28], diabetes [2], iron deficiency [4], lipid [10], liver [12], renal [7], thyroid [3], wellness [1].

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Thyrocare Aarogyam Advanced

Thyrocare Aarogyam Advanced

78 Tests | Regular Price Rs 1999 | Couple Offer Rs 1249 Per Person | Offer Price Rs 1299 | The Thyrocare Aarogyam Aarogyam Advanced profile includes a range of tests: cardiac risk markers [5], complete hemogram [28], diabetes [4], elements [2], iron deficiency [4], lipid [10], liver [12], renal [8], thyroid [3], and vitamins [2]

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Thyrocare Aarogyam A

Thyrocare Aarogyam A

41 Tests | Regular Price Rs 1699 | Couple Offer 1099 | Offer Price Rs 1199 | The Thyrocare Aarogyam A profile includes a range of tests: Cardiac risk markers [5], iron deficiency [4], lipid [10], liver [12], renal [7], thyroid [3]

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Thyrocare Aarogyam 1.8

Thyrocare Aarogyam 1.8

121 Tests | Regular Price Rs 6499 | Couple Offer Rs 4299 | Offer Price Rs 4399 | The Thyrocare Aarogyam 1.8 profile includes a range of tests: Cardiac risk markers [7], complete hemogram [28], diabetes [5], electrolytes [2], elements [2], hormone [1], iron deficiency [4], lipid [10], liver [13], pancreatic [2], renal [8], thyroid [3], toxic elements [22], vitamins [14]

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Thyrocare Aarogyam 1.7

Thyrocare Aarogyam 1.7

113 Tests | Regular Price Rs 5499 | Couple Offer Rs 3599 | Offer Price Rs 3699 | The Thyrocare Aarogyam 1.7 profile includes a range of tests:Arthritis [2], cardiac risk markers [7], complete hemogram [28], diabetes [5], electrolytes [2], elements [2], hormone [1], iron deficiency [5], lipid [10], liver [13], pancreatic [2], renal [8], thyroid [3], toxic elements [22], vitamins [3].

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Thyrocare Aarogyam 1.6 (1)

Thyrocare Aarogyam 1.6

112 Tests | Regular Price Rs 4499 | Couple Offer Rs 3199 | Offer Price Rs 3299 | The Thyrocare Aarogyam 1.6 profile includes a range of tests: Arthritis [2], cardiac risk markers [6], complete hemogram [28], diabetes [5], electrolytes [2], elements [2], hormone [1], iron deficiency [5], lipid [10], liver [13], pancreatic [2], renal [8], thyroid [3], toxic elements [22], vitamins [3].

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Thyrocare Aarogyam 1.5

Thyrocare Aarogyam 1.5

110 Tests | Regular Price Rs 4199 | Couple Offer Rs 2899 | Offer Price Rs 2999 | The Thyrocare Aarogyam 1.5 profile includes a range of tests: Cardiac risk markers [6], complete hemogram [28], diabetes [5], electrolytes [2], elements [2], hormone [1], iron deficiency [5], lipid [10], liver [13], pancreatic [2], renal [8], thyroid [3], toxic elements [22], vitamins [3].

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Thyrocare Aarogyam 1.4

Thyrocare Aarogyam 1.4

107 Tests | Regular Price Rs 3699 | Couple Offer Rs 2599 | Offer Price Rs 2699 | The Thyrocare Aarogyam 1.4 profile includes a range of tests: Cardiac risk markers [6], complete hemogram [28], diabetes [4], electrolytes [2], elements [2], hormone [1], iron deficiency [4], lipid [10], liver [13], pancreatic [2], renal [8], thyroid [3], toxic elements [22], vitamins [2].

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Thyrocare Aarogyam 1.3

Thyrocare Aarogyam 1.3

100 Tests | Regular Price Rs 3299 | Couple Offer Rs 2199 Per Person | Offer Price Rs 2299 Per Person| The Thyrocare Aarogyam 1.3 profile includes a range of tests: Cardiac risk markers [6], complete hemogram [28], diabetes [2], elements [2], hormone [1], iron deficiency [4], lipid [10], liver [12], renal [8], thyroid [3], toxic elements [22], vitamins [2].

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Thyrocare Aarogyam 1.2

Thyrocare Aarogyam 1.2

93 Tests | Regular Price Rs 2099 | Couple Offer Rs 1499 Per Person | Offer Price Rs 1599 | The Thyrocare Aarogyam 1.2 profile includes a range of tests: Cardiac risk markers [5], complete hemogram [28], diabetes [2], iron deficiency [4], lipid [10], liver [12], renal [7], thyroid [3], toxic elements [22]

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Thyrocare Aarogyam 1.1

Thyrocare Aarogyam 1.1

63 Tests | Regular Price Rs 1499 | Couple Offer Rs 1296 | Offer Price Rs 1399 | The Thyrocare Aarogyam 1.1 profile includes a range of tests: Cardiac risk markers [5], iron deficiency [4], lipid [10], liver [12], renal [7], thyroid [3], toxic elements [22]

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Thyrocare Aarogyam Basic

Aarogyam Basic

66 Tests | Regular Price Rs 1499 | Couple Offer Rs 1199 Per Person | Offer Price Rs 1299 | The Thyrocare Aarogyam Basic profile includes a range of tests: Complete hemogram [28], diabetes [2], iron deficiency [4], lipid [10], liver [12], renal [7], thyroid [1], vitamins [2].

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About APL IgG Blood Test

A group of immune proteins known as antibodies that the body produces mistakenly against itself in an autoimmune response to phospholipids are called Antiphospholipid Antibodies. Tests can find out these autoantibodies that bind to the phospholipids. Sometimes, it is not well understood and increases the risk of excessive blood clotting.

Want To Book The Anti-Phospholipid Antibody(APL)-IgG Test?

Book it right now on the most affordable price. AreYouHealthy in association with Thyrocare, offer the Anti-Phospholipid Antibody(APL)-IgG test at low rate. Book the test by hitting the SUBMIT button after filling the required details in the given form on this page. You will receive an SMS for confirmation on your registered contact number. A team of test sample collector will reach your registered address in your reserved time slot. You need not to make any payment before the test sample collection. Once the sample is collected, all the payment amount needs to be provided to the sample collecting team.

Why To Get Tested For Anti-Phospholipid Antibody (APL)-IgG?

The test helps in investing the presence of blood clots. It also detects an unexpectedly prolonged partial thromboplastin time (PTT). It occurs in individual cases like if the person had recurrent miscarriages. This test is performed as a part of an evaluation for APS (antiphospholipid syndrome). As a perk, this test also helps in diagnosing an autoimmune disorder.

When To Get Tested For Anti-Phospholipid Antibody (APL)-IgG?

The Anti-Phospholipid Antibody (APL)-IgG test is needed when a person has an unexplained prolonged PTT test. The test is also recommended in chronic unexplained blood clots condition.

What Is The Sample Required For Anti-Phospholipid Antibody (APL)-IgG Test?

The Anti-Phospholipid Antibody (APL)-IgG test requires a small amount of blood as a sample to conduct a test on that.

What Are The Preparations Required For The APL -IgG Test?

The Anti-Phospholipid Antibody (APL)-IgG test sample can be collected anytime the day. This doesn’t require any special preparation.

Need Any Assistance Regarding The APL IgG Test?

Still, have any query related to the Anti-Phospholipid Antibody (APL)-IgG test or any other test or profiles? Give us a call on 7289-87-6363 anytime.

APL IgG Test Description

  • UNITS: U/ml
  • VOLUME: 1ml

Anti SCL 70 Antibody Test

Anti SCL-70 Antibody Test: Unveiling Insights with Thyrocare Labs Welcome to Thyrocare Labs, your partner in uncovering valuable health insights. Our Anti SCL-70 Antibody Test

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pr3 anca c-anca test

PR3 – ANCA ( C-ANCA ) Test

PR3 – ANCA (C-ANCA) Test: Unveiling Insights into Autoimmune Health with Thyrocare Labs Welcome to Thyrocare Labs, your partner in promoting comprehensive health awareness. Our

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Liver Kidney Microsomes Test

Liver Kidney Microsomes Test

Liver Kidney Microsomes Test: Nurturing Wellness with Thyrocare Labs Welcome to Thyrocare Labs, your trusted partner in fostering well-being through comprehensive health diagnostics. Our Liver

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HLA B27 Test

What Is The HLA B27 Test? Human leukocyte antigen B27 (HLA-B27) is a unique protein found on the surface of the white blood cells. This

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Anti DsDNA Test

Anti dsDNA Test

The Anti-dsDNA test determines the total amount of antibody to double-stranded Anti-dsDNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) that may be contaminating the blood. Sometimes, our immune system fails

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