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Chikungunya IGM Test

What Is The Chikungunya IGM Test?

Chikungunya is a harmful virus that starts to transmit or spread from one infected person who is suffering from chikungunya to another person by the female mosquitoes which carry the chikungunya virus and transfer it among others with a bite. A person who is infected by the chikungunya virus by the bite of an infected mosquito, changes or general symptoms can be seen after day four or eight. But in some cases, these symptoms might come to start to appear earlier like after two days or can even take up to 12 days after the infection has spread in the human body.
The Chikungunya IGM Test can quickly help to detect the IgM anti-chikungunya (CHIK) in the blood-serum of the human body. It is used as a pre-screening and detecting test and also as assistance in the determination of infection with Chikungunya IgM (CHIK).

What Are The Major Symptoms And Signs Of Chikungunya Virus Infection?

Generally, the signs and symptoms for chikungunya virus infection may start to appear after 3 to 7 days being bitten by the female mosquito. The following are the significant signs and symptoms of chikungunya infection, and that is why you need a Chikungunya IGM test:

  1. Rashes: A person who is infected will start to see several skin rashes all over the body.
  2. Sudden Fever, Fatigue And Nausea: In the condition of chikungunya, a person can begin to feel severe fever which can get as high as 104 degrees.
  3. Headache: An individual person may also face a lot of stress and headache for many days and nights.
  4. Eye Problems: There are a lot of cases where people who are suffering from chikungunya virus infection face conjunctivitis.
  5. Joint Pain: A person might start to feel very much pain in the joints of legs and shoulders.

Why Do I Need A Chikungunya IGM Test?

A Chikungunya virus is very harmful, yet it is easy to get spread or transmitted among other people which might lead to the growth of an epidemic if not taken right treatment on time to make it under control and contained. That is why it is crucial that the virus or infection of chikungunya must be detected at an early stage and the treatment should be taken on right time accordingly so that the virus does not spread and induce other casualties.
A Chikungunya infection can be understood by some signs and symptoms like suddenly having high fever and severe pain in the joints. In India, the number of fatal Chikungunya cases reported in 2006; it was about more than 1.25 million cases were recorded.
In order to stay healthy and stay safe from the chikungunya virus, it is necessary that our body should have a stronger immunity to fight against the chikungunya infection. A Chikungunya IGM test will help you to understand the number of chikungunya antibodies generated and present in your body to fight against the infection if you come in contact with the chikungunya virus at a later stage.

How Is A Chikungunya IGM Test Performed?

A Chikungunya IgM Test is based on Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) technology. This technology helps to detect the number of chikungunya antibodies present in the body with more accurate results. Rest of the procedure for the Chikungunya IGM test is the same as other blood tests.
A medical expert will visit you and clean the skin around the area with an antiseptic and then apply pressure on the arm. After this, a needle will be inserted, and blood will be drawn by the syringe. These samples will be further sent to diagnosis labs for several stages of tests to be performed and get the test results delivered to you

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