Infertility Profiles

Fertility Profiles: Unlocking the Path to Parenthood

Embracing Parenthood with Fertility Profiles

The journey to parenthood is a profound and cherished dream for many. However, for some, it may present unexpected challenges. At AreYouHealthy, we understand the significance of family planning and offer specialized fertility profiles and comprehensive packages from esteemed labs across India.

Why Opt for Fertility Profiles?

Understanding Your Fertility Potential: Fertility profiles are specifically designed to assess the various factors that can impact your ability to conceive. These tests provide valuable insights into hormone levels, ovarian reserve, and reproductive health, helping you understand your fertility potential.

Early Detection of Issues: Timely identification of any underlying fertility issues is crucial for seeking appropriate medical assistance. With our comprehensive fertility profiles, you can catch potential concerns early on and take proactive steps towards family planning.

Personalized Guidance: Each individual’s fertility journey is unique. Our fertility profiles equip healthcare experts with the necessary information to offer personalized advice and fertility solutions tailored to your specific needs.

Empowering Your Parenthood Dreams

At AreYouHealthy, we believe that every aspiring parent deserves the best possible chance to fulfill their dream of parenthood. Our fertility profiles are designed with compassion and precision to support your journey towards starting a family.

Don’t let uncertainty stand in the way of your dreams. Take charge of your fertility health with our specialized fertility profiles and packages. Together, let’s unlock the path to parenthood and embrace the joy of starting or expanding your family.

Y Chromosome Microdeletion

Y Chromosome Microdeletion (1) Y Chromosome Microdeletion Y Chromosome Microdeletion Test: Understanding Male Infertility The Y Chromosome Microdeletion Test is a diagnostic tool used to

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Preconception Screening- Male

Preconception Screening- Male

21 Tests | Rs 1099 | Blood Tests Only | Fasting Not Needed
Powered By Redcliffelab
Blood Group ABO & Rh Typing (2) Hemoglobin Variant Analysis (HB HPLC) (15) VDRL (1) Viral Markers, Rapid Card (3)

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Bad Obstetric History (BOH) Profile- Advance

Bad Obstetric History (BOH) Profile- Advance

21 Tests | Rs 6799 | Blood Tests Only | Fasting Not Needed
Powered By Redcliffelab
Anti Nuclear Antibody (ANA) By IFA (HEP-2)
Anti Phospholipid IgG Antibodies
Anti Phospholipid IgM Antibodies
Cardiolipin IgA Antibodies
Cardiolipin IgG Antibodies
Cardiolipin IgM Antibodies
Lupus Anticoagulant
Torch Panel IgG
Torch Panel IgM
TSH 3rd Generation

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Fertility Panel Basic – Male

Fertility Panel Basic – Male

7 Tests | Rs 999 | Blood Test Only | Fasting Not Needed
Powered By Redcliffelab
Follicle Simulating Hormone (FSH)
Luteinizing Hormone (LH)
Prolactin (PRL)
Testosterone Total
Thyroid Profile Total

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FSH & LH Test

FSH & LH Test

2 Tests | Rs 900 | Blood Test Only | Fasting Not Needed
Powered By Redcliffelab
Follicle Simulating Hormone (FSH)
Luteinizing Hormone (LH)

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