Immunity care package

63 Tests | Rs 1999 | Blood Test Only| 8 - 10 Hours Fasting Needed
Powered By Redcliffelab
Creatinine Electrolytes (Na/K/Cl) Ferritin BSF CBC ESR HbA1C Hs-CRP Immunoglobulin G Iron Studies Lipid Profile LFT Vitamin
  1. Creatinine (1)
    1. Creatinine
  2. Electrolytes (Na/K/Cl) (3)
    1. Chloride
    2. Potassium
    3. Sodium
  3. Ferritin (1)
    1. Ferritin
  4. Glucose Fasting (BSF) (1)
    1. Blood Glucose Fasting
  5. Haemogram (CBC + ESR) (27)
    1. Absolute Basophils Count, Blood
    2. Absolute Eosinophil Count, Blood
    3. Absolute Lymphocyte Count, Blood
    4. Absolute Monocyte Count, Blood
    5. Absolute Neutrophil Count, Blood
    6. Basophils
    7. Eosinophils
    8. ESR Automated
    9. Hemoglobin Hb
    10. Lymphocytes
    11. MCH
    12. MCHC
    13. MCV
    15. Monocytes
    16. MPV Mean Platelet Volume
    17. Neutrophils
    18. PCT
    19. PCV Haematocrit
    20. PDW Platelet Distribution Width
    21. Platelet Count Thrombocyte count
    22. P – LCC
    23. P – LCR
    24. RBC Count
    25. RDW-CV
    26. RDW (Red Cell Distribution Width)
    27. WBC-Total Counts Leucocytes
  6. HbA1C (Glycosylated Haemoglobin) (2)
    1. Average blood glucose
    2. Glycated Hemoglobin
  7. High Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein (Hs-CRP) (1)
    1. HsCRP (High Sensitivity C Reactive Protein)
  8. IgE Total antibody (Immunoglobulin G) (1)
    1. IgE Total antibody (Immunoglobulin G)
  9. Iron Studies (4)
    1. Iron, Serum
    2. TIBC
    3. Transferrin Saturation
    4. Uibc
  10. Lipid Profile (9)
    1. Cholesterol-Total, Serum
    3. HDL Cholesterol Direct
    4. HDL / LDL Cholesterol Ratio
    5. LDL Cholesterol – Calculated
    7. Non – HDL Cholesterol, Serum
    8. Triglycerides, Serum
    9. VLDL
  11. Liver Function Test (LFT) (12)
    1. A/G Ratio
    2. Albumin, Serum
    3. Alkaline Phosphatase, Serum
    4. Bilirubin Direct, Serum
    5. Bilirubin- Indirect, serum
    6. Bilirubin Total, Serum
    7. GGTP (Gamma GT)
    8. Globulin
    9. Proteins, Serum
    10. SGOT/AST
    11. SGOT/SGPT Ratio
    12. SGPT/ALT
  12. Vitamin D 25 Hydroxy (1)
    1. Vitamin D Total-25 Hydroxy

The Immunity Care Package includes various tests to assess the overall health and immune status of an individual. Here are the tests included in the package:

  1. Creatinine (1) – To measure kidney function and assess renal health.
  2. Electrolytes (Na/K/Cl) (3) – To measure the levels of sodium, potassium, and chloride in the blood, which are essential for maintaining proper bodily functions.
  3. Ferritin (1) – To assess iron levels in the body, which is important for various physiological processes.
  4. Glucose Fasting (BSF) (1) – To measure fasting blood glucose levels, which helps in diagnosing and monitoring diabetes.
  5. Haemogram (CBC + ESR) (27) – A complete blood count test to evaluate the overall health of blood cells and detect any abnormalities.
  6. HbA1C (Glycosylated Haemoglobin) (2) – To provide an average of blood glucose levels over the past few months and assess long-term blood sugar control.
  7. High Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein (Hs-CRP) (1) – To measure inflammation levels in the body, which can be an indicator of various health conditions.
  8. IgE Total antibody (Immunoglobulin G) (1) – To assess the levels of immunoglobulin E, which is associated with allergic reactions and immune responses.
  9. Iron Studies (4) – To evaluate iron levels in the blood and assess iron deficiency or overload conditions.
  10. Lipid Profile (9) – To measure cholesterol and triglyceride levels, which are important for heart health.
  11. Liver Function Test (LFT) (12) – To assess liver health and function.
  12. Vitamin D 25 Hydroxy (1) – To measure vitamin D levels, which are crucial for bone health and immune function.

This comprehensive package helps in evaluating various aspects of health, including kidney function, iron status, blood sugar levels, inflammation, immune response, lipid profile, liver function, and vitamin D levels. It provides valuable insights into overall health and immune system status.

Immunity Test – Advanced

89 Tests | Rs 1999 | Blood & Urine Test | 10 – 12 Hours Fasting Needed
Powered By Redcliffelab
Covid-19 IgG Antibody Ferritin CBC ESR
Immunoglobulin G Iron Studies KFT
Lipid Profile LFT Urine

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