Karyotyping + FISH (5 Probe)

2 Tests | Rs 7200 | Blood Tests Only | Fasting Not Needed
Powered By Redcliffelab
Aneuploidy Five Probes (13, 18, 21, X & Y) By FISH Karyotyping (KT)- Prenatal
  1. Aneuploidy Five Probes (13, 18, 21, X & Y) By FISH (1)
    1. Aneuploidy Five Probes (13, 18, 21, X & Y) By FISH
  2. Karyotyping (KT)- Prenatal (1)
    1. Karyotyping (KT)- Prenatal

Introducing Karyotyping + FISH (5 Probe)

Redcliffelab is committed to providing advanced genetic testing solutions to ensure the well-being of expectant parents and their unborn children. The Karyotyping + FISH (5 Probe) test is a comprehensive genetic screening designed to assess the genetic makeup of the fetus, including specific chromosomal abnormalities associated with aneuploidies. This combined test offers peace of mind to expectant parents, allowing them to make informed decisions during the prenatal phase.

Why Choose Karyotyping + FISH (5 Probe)? The Karyotyping + FISH (5 Probe) test is a powerful diagnostic tool during pregnancy, offering a detailed examination of the fetal chromosomes. It includes a Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH) analysis with five specific probes targeting chromosomes 13, 18, 21, X, and Y. This FISH analysis enables the detection of aneuploidies, such as Down syndrome (Trisomy 21), Edwards syndrome (Trisomy 18), Patau syndrome (Trisomy 13), and sex chromosome abnormalities. Karyotyping provides complementary information on the structure and overall organization of chromosomes, ensuring a comprehensive assessment.


Pricing and Fasting Requirements: The Karyotyping + FISH (5 Probe) test is priced at Rs 7200, offering a comprehensive and affordable genetic screening during pregnancy. Fasting is not required for this blood test, ensuring a comfortable experience for pregnant individuals.

Powered By Redcliffelab: Redcliffelab is a pioneer in genetic testing, trusted by healthcare professionals and patients alike. With state-of-the-art technology and a team of skilled genetic specialists, Redcliffelab ensures precise and reliable results for all your genetic testing needs.

How It Works:

  1. Book an appointment: Schedule your Karyotyping + FISH (5 Probe) test at a Redcliffelab center or online through our user-friendly website.
  2. Sample Collection: Our expert phlebotomists will collect a blood sample for genetic analysis.
  3. Advanced Genetic Profiling: The sample will undergo comprehensive FISH analysis and Karyotyping to provide accurate results.


Take proactive steps for your pregnancy with the Karyotyping + FISH (5 Probe) test. Gain valuable insights into your baby’s genetic health and embark on a journey of care and preparation. Book your test now and embrace the journey of parenthood with confidence and assurance!

Premarital Screening- Female

88 Tests | Rs 1799 | Blood & Urine Tests | Reports in 36 Hours | Fasting Not Needed
Powered By Redcliffelabs
CBC, ESR, Blood Group, HB HPLC, BSR, LFT, KFT, TSH, Viral Markers (Rapid), VDRL, Urine Routine

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Preconception Screening- Female

94 Tests | Rs 2199 | Blood & Urine Tests | Reports in 36 Hours | Fasting Not Needed
Powered By Redcliffelabs
CBC, ESR, Blood Group, HB HPLC, BSR, HbA1c, LFT, KFT, Thyroid Profile Total, Rubella IgG, Rubella IgM, Viral Markers (Rapid), VDRL, Urine

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Karyotyping + MCC

2 Tests | Rs 3900 | Blood Test Only | Fasting Not Needed
Powered By Redcliffelab
Karyotyping (KT)- Prenatal Maternal Cell Contamination

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Bad Obstetric History (BOH) Profile- Basic

11 Tests | Rs 5799 | Blood Tests Only | Fasting Not Needed
Powered By Redcliffelab
HEP-2 Anti Phospholipid IgG Antibodies
Anti Phospholipid IgM Antibodies
Cardiolipin IgA Antibodies
Cardiolipin IgG Antibodies
Cardiolipin IgM Antibodies
Lupus Anticoagulant
TSH 3rd Generation

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Bad Obstetric History (BOH) Profile- Advance

21 Tests | Rs 6799 | Blood Tests Only | Fasting Not Needed
Powered By Redcliffelab
Anti Nuclear Antibody (ANA) By IFA (HEP-2)
Anti Phospholipid IgG Antibodies
Anti Phospholipid IgM Antibodies
Cardiolipin IgA Antibodies
Cardiolipin IgG Antibodies
Cardiolipin IgM Antibodies
Lupus Anticoagulant
Torch Panel IgG
Torch Panel IgM
TSH 3rd Generation

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Bad Obstetric History (BOH) Profile- Comprehensive

25 Tests | Rs 10999 | Blood Test Only | Fasting Not Needed
Powered By Redcliffelab
APTT HEP-2 Anti Phospholipid IgG Antibodies
Anti Phospholipid IgM Antibodies Cardiolipin IgA Antibodies
Cardiolipin IgG Antibodies Cardiolipin IgM Antibodies
Karyotyping: Blood Lympho Culture Lupus Anticoagulant
Torch Panel IgG Torch Panel IgM
TSH 3rd Generation

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FSH & LH Test

2 Tests | Rs 900 | Blood Test Only | Fasting Not Needed
Powered By Redcliffelab
Follicle Simulating Hormone (FSH)
Luteinizing Hormone (LH)

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