IGA Test


IgA Blood Test

If you are looking for IgA tests? AreYouHealthy offers several IgA test. Right now we offer 4 types of IgA tests. There are 5 types of subclasses of antibodies and IgA is one of them. Those subclasses are IgA, IgG, IgM, IgE, and IgD. Each antibody is performed to detect a specific reason for illness.

List Of IgA Test


Antibodies are also known as immunoglobulins. The body produces different antibodies for different antigens. For example, the antibody for mononucleosis will be different from the antibody of chickenpox. For different antigens, our body produces different antibodies. The main purpose of IgA is to provide protection against infection in mucosal areas.

Test Description Of IgA Tests

  • CARDIOLIPIN ANTIBODY (ACL) – IgA: It is used to detect an unnecessary formation of blood clot, the cause of recent miscarriage, or autoimmune disorder. Cardiolipin antibodies are produced by the immune system that targets its own body’s cardiolipins mistakenly. It can affect the body’s ability to regulate blood clotting.
  • HELICOBACTER PYLORI – IgA: This test is performed to detect an infection caused by Helicobacter Pylori bacteria. It can cause peptic ulcer. It is a microscopic bacteria usually found in the stomach. Side effects of Helicobacter pylori are gas, stomach pain, swelling, indigestion, and heartburn.
  • IMMUNOGLOBULIN A (IgA): It is mainly used to determine the amount of antibodies in the body. Immunoglobulin is a protein that is produced by the immune system to fight against foreign bodies such as viruses and bacteria.
  • TISSUE TRANSGLUTAMINASE – IgA (TTG): It is used to diagnose celiac disease. It is an autoimmune disorder in which the immune system thinks that gluten is a foreign body.

Feel free to call us on +917289876363 to book any IgA test. We provide home sample collection services in many cities. It is highly recommended to take advice from a doctor before you go for any test. You can make an online booking as well. Visit our site and fill the application form and submit it.