Thyrocare Diabetic Profile

Comprehensive Diabetic Profile Screening from Thyrocare. Choose from 48, 73, or advanced 102 test packages. Tests include lipid, renal, liver, thyroid, and cardiac risk markers, with prices starting at Rs 999.

Diabetic Profile Screen
48 Tests | Regular Price Rs 1199 | Offer Price Rs 999 Only
- Basophils – absolute count
- Eosinophils – absolute count
- Lymphocytes – absolute count
- Monocytes – absolute count
- Neutrophils – absolute count
- Basophils
- Eosinophils
- Hemoglobin
- Immature granulocytes (IG)
- Immature granulocyte percentage (IG%)
- Total leucocytes count (WBC)
- Lymphocyte
- Mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH)
- Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC)
- Mean corpuscular volume (MCV)
- Monocytes
- Mean platelet volume (MPV)
- Neutrophils
- Nucleated red blood cells
- Nucleated red blood cells %
- Plateletcrit (PCT)
- Hematocrit (PCV)
- Platelet distribution width (PDW)
- Platelet to large cell ratio (PLCR)
- Platelet count
- Total RBC
- Red cell distribution width (RDW-CV)
- Red cell distribution width – SD (RDW-SD)
- Average blood glucose (ABG)
- Fasting blood sugar (glucose)
- HbA1c
- Total cholesterol
- HDL cholesterol – direct
- HDL / LDL ratio
- LDL cholesterol – direct
- LDL / HDL ratio
- Non-HDL cholesterol
- TC / HDL cholesterol ratio
- Trig / HDL ratio
- Triglycerides
- VLDL cholesterol
- BUN / Sr. creatinine ratio
- Blood urea nitrogen (BUN)
- Calcium
- Creatinine – serum
- Urea / Sr. creatinine ratio
- Urea (calculated)
- Uric acid
Diabetic Profile Basic
73 Tests | Regular Price Rs 4199 | Offer Price Rs 2399 Only
- Basophils – absolute count
- Eosinophils – absolute count
- Lymphocytes – absolute count
- Monocytes – absolute count
- Neutrophils – absolute count
- Basophils
- Eosinophils
- Hemoglobin
- Immature granulocytes (IG)
- Immature granulocyte percentage (IG%)
- Total leucocytes count (WBC)
- Lymphocyte
- Mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH)
- Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC)
- Mean corpuscular volume (MCV)
- Monocytes
- Mean platelet volume (MPV)
- Neutrophils
- Nucleated red blood cells
- Nucleated red blood cells %
- Plateletcrit (PCT)
- Hematocrit (PCV)
- Platelet distribution width (PDW)
- Platelet to large cell ratio (PLCR)
- Platelet count
- Total RBC
- Red cell distribution width (RDW-CV)
- Red cell distribution width – SD (RDW-SD)
- Average blood glucose (ABG)
- Blood ketone (D3HB)
- Fructosamine
- HbA1c
- Urinary microalbumin
- Chloride
- Sodium
- % transferrin saturation
- Iron
- Total iron binding capacity (TIBC)
- Unsat. iron-binding capacity (UIBC)
- Total cholesterol
- HDL cholesterol – direct
- HDL / LDL ratio
- LDL cholesterol – direct
- LDL / HDL ratio
- Non-HDL cholesterol
- TC / HDL cholesterol ratio
- Trig / HDL ratio
- Triglycerides
- VLDL cholesterol
- Serum alb/globulin ratio
- Alkaline phosphatase
- Bilirubin – direct
- Bilirubin (indirect)
- Bilirubin – total
- Gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT)
- SGOT / SGPT ratio
- Protein – total
- Albumin – serum
- Serum globulin
- Aspartate aminotransferase (SGOT)
- Alanine transaminase (SGPT)
- BUN / Sr. creatinine ratio
- Blood urea nitrogen (BUN)
- Calcium
- Creatinine – serum
- Uri. albumin/creatinine ratio (UA/C)
- Creatinine – urine
- Urea / Sr. creatinine ratio
- Urea (calculated)
- Uric acid
- Total triiodothyronine (T3)
- Total thyroxine (T4)
- TSH – ultrasensitive
Diabetic Profile Advanced
6 Tests | Regular Price Rs 2299 | Offer Price Rs 1699 Only
- Basophils – absolute count
- Eosinophils – absolute count
- Lymphocytes – absolute count
- Monocytes – absolute count
- Neutrophils – absolute count
- Basophils
- Eosinophils
- Hemoglobin
- Immature granulocytes (IG)
- Immature granulocyte percentage (IG%)
- Total leucocytes count (WBC)
- Lymphocyte
- Mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH)
- Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC)
- Mean corpuscular volume (MCV)
- Monocytes
- Mean platelet volume (MPV)
- Neutrophils
- Nucleated red blood cells
- Nucleated red blood cells %
- Plateletcrit (PCT)
- Hematocrit (PCV)
- Platelet distribution width (PDW)
- Platelet to large cell ratio (PLCR)
- Platelet count
- Total RBC
- Red cell distribution width (RDW-CV)
- Red cell distribution width – SD (RDW-SD)
- Apo B / Apo A1 ratio (Apo B/A1)
- Apolipoprotein – A1 (Apo-A1)
- Apolipoprotein – B (Apo-B)
- Homocysteine
- High sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP)
- Lipoprotein (a) [Lp(a)]
- Average blood glucose (ABG)
- Blood ketone (D3HB)
- C-peptide
- Fructosamine
- HbA1c
- Insulin – fasting
- Urinary microalbumin
- Chloride
- Sodium
- % transferrin saturation
- Iron
- Total iron binding capacity (TIBC)
- Unsat. iron-binding capacity (UIBC)
- Total cholesterol
- HDL cholesterol – direct
- HDL / LDL ratio
- LDL cholesterol – direct
- LDL / HDL ratio
- Non-HDL cholesterol
- TC / HDL cholesterol ratio
- Trig / HDL ratio
- Triglycerides
- VLDL cholesterol
- Serum alb/globulin ratio
- Alkaline phosphatase
- Bilirubin – direct
- Bilirubin (indirect)
- Bilirubin – total
- Gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT)
- SGOT / SGPT ratio
- Protein – total
- Albumin – serum
- Serum globulin
- Aspartate aminotransferase (SGOT)
- Alanine transaminase (SGPT)
- Amylase
- Lipase
- BUN / Sr. creatinine ratio
- Blood urea nitrogen (BUN)
- Calcium
- Creatinine – serum
- Uri. albumin/creatinine ratio (UA/C)
- Creatinine – urine
- Urea / Sr. creatinine ratio
- Urea (calculated)
- Uric acid
- Total triiodothyronine (T3)
- Total thyroxine (T4)
- TSH – ultrasensitive
- Silver
- Aluminium
- Arsenic
- Barium
- Beryllium
- Bismuth
- Cadmium
- Cobalt
- Chromium
- Caesium
- Mercury
- Manganese
- Molybdenum
- Nickel
- Lead
- Antimony
- Selenium
- Tin
- Strontium
- Thallium
- Uranium
- Vanadium
- Folate
- Vitamin B-12
- 25-OH Vitamin D (total)